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Frequently asked questions
What is Myo-Inositol?
Myo-Inositol is a form of sugar found naturally in the body or as a supplement. It is known to balance insulin levels and chemicals that regulate anxiety-related mental conditions. Myo-Inositol primarily resolves the overproduction of insulin and androgens, which in turn reduce the distressing effects of the disease like irregular periods, hormone imbalance, excess hair growth, and low energy levels.
What is PCOS?
PCOS, also known as Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, is a common, lifestyle-induced condition that affects hormones in females. In PCOS, the ovaries end up producing an excess amount of androgens, which induce higher testosterone levels in the body. This results in hormonal imbalance, cyst formation in the ovaries, irregular periods, and unpredictable ovulation. PCOS also triggers a distressing set of symptoms like hair growth, weight gain, anxiety, and low energy levels.
How does Balance Myo-Inositol gummy help with PCOS?
Myo-Inositol targets the key issues triggering PCOS - higher insulin levels and androgen overproduction. It improves cellular response to insulin signals and in turn regulates blood sugar. This reduces weight fluctuation and improves metabolism. Simultaneously, Myo-inositol promotes better ovarian function, improved oocytes, and regulated menstrual cycles.
Does Myo-Inositol regulate periods?
Yes, Myo-Inositol enhances ovulation rate, reduces cyst formation, and regularises menstrual cycles.
Do Myo-Insositol gummies reduce hair fall?
Yes, Myo-Inositol helps in strengthening the hair follicles and preventing breakage. It also stimulates the growth of new hair follicles to manage hair loss.
How fast do the Myo-Inositol gummies work?
While every person may respond to Myo-Inositol differently, positive effects start showing in 6-8 weeks.
Who should take Myo-Inositol supplements?
Myo-Inositol is highly recommended for women who are suffering from irregular periods, have been diagnosed with PCOS, or struggle with mental health or metabolic conditions.
Will the gummies increase my weight?
No, Myo-Inositol helps in boosting metabolism and shedding stubborn PCOS-induced weight gain.
What is the difference between PCOD and PCOS?
PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disease) is marked by the premature release of eggs in women, causing irregular cycles and hormonal imbalance. PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) is caused by excess androgen production in the body, which causes cyst formation as well as other symptoms like hair fall, lower metabolism, and irregular cycles.
Can I take this myo-inositol gummy for a long period?
Yes, it is safe to consume Myo-Inositol for long periods or as advised by a physician.
Are there any side effects?
Myo-Inositol is mostly safe for all adults. Please consult a doctor if you have pre-existing diseases or consume specific medication.
Are these safe for everyday use?
Yes, the Balance Myo-Inositol gummies have the right dosage and can be consumed daily.
Can I take myo-inositol if I am trying to conceive?
Yes, Myo-Inositol improves fertility and chances of conception by regulating ovarian function, hormones, and improving egg quality.
Is this safe for pregnancy?
Myo-Inositol is safe to consume during pregnancy as it may actually work to reduce any complications.
Can Myo-Inositol cause missed periods?
Myo-Inositol does not cause irregular or missed periods as it is a sugar compound improving ovulatory function.
Can I take this multivitamin gummy if I don't have PCOS?
Yes, consuming Myo-Inositol gummies can be beneficial in improving fertility, enhancing egg quality, and maintaining regular cycles.
Can I take this with other vitamin supplements?
There are no known side effects of taking Myo-inositol with other multivitamins, however, it is advised to check with your physician if you have pre-existing conditions.
I have excessive weight gain due to PCOD. Will it help with that?
Yes, Myo-Inositol enhances insulin receptivity in the cells, causing glycolysis and fat breakdown.
Can I take this if I am already on PCOS medication?
Myo-Inositol is suitable with most PCOS medication, hence it is safe to consume.